You always have been fascinated by innovation and the San Francisco mind set? Then this interdisciplinary course is for you.

The HEIG-VD has initiated an interdisciplinary and elective course focuses on innovation and entrepreneurship. After a semester of training in « International Innovation Management », twelve students (six economists and six engineers) will visit Silicon Valley, the innovation hub in San Francisco, in February.

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This program is part of an expansion of international academic exchanges from the canton of Vaud since 2007. During their semester, the students study local startups and, then, travel with on of them to San Francisco to deepen their practical understanding of innovation. They benefit from workshops, meet major, and visit renowned universities such as Berkeley and Stanford. They also present a project to a jury at Swissnex San Francisco. This trip aims to strengthen ties between the Swiss academy and the San Francisco industry and immerse the students in the culture of innovation.


Two weeks in February during semester break

Swissnex residency for a week

Visit of universities, companies and places of the Bay area such as: Oakland, UC Berkeley, Stanford, San Francisco

Networking opportunities

Max 12 participants: 50% engineers & 50% business students



Photo de Vincenzo Pallotta
Vincenzo Pallotta
Professeur HES associé

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