This 4 years research and development project aims at developing a global software simulation for training in emergency medicine. The realization of the project will lead to advances in simulation training and digitization of education.
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The solution will allow the preparation of health professionals for the management of exceptional events.

Partner: Geneva University Hospital (HUG)
The project is co-funded by the Geneva University Hospital and InnoSuisse.


In the field of emergency medicine, the concept of Major Incident Medical Management and Support (MIMMS) is applied when rescuers are faced with a number and type of injuries requiring the use of unusual means. The way rescue teams operate changes radically from the daily routine and some actors have to take on coordination roles that are non-existent in their traditional activity. There is a need to train responders in these different professions.


The proposed solution is a digitalization of training, with a new type of software simulation, offering flexibility in training management and the creation of simulation scenarios, as well as support for debriefing and analysis of participant behavior.

The development of the solution involves advances in several areas. The simulation environment must be adaptive to allow flexibility in training modes. An authoring system must allow non-computer specialists to create complex scenarios. A learning analytics system must allow the analysis of individual and collective performance. A dashboard must allow the trainer to follow and adapt in real time the progress of the simulation.


The implementation of this solution improves the preparation of professionals for the management of major events while helping to reduce training costs. This better preparation increases the victims’ chances of survival and reduces costs and trauma due to poor management of the event.


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Photo de Dominique Jaccard
Dominique Jaccard
Professeur HES ordinaire
Responsable GTHC Serious Games et Edtech